Food Writing

16 December 2019

Turmeric Lemon Loaf

I've been lately more interested in addressing the One thing.

And it's harder. Harder than doing all the little things. 
(The chopping wood and carrying water)
I've always been better at that part.

But we live in a chaotic world, and stopping to ask yourself what your priority is that day, or your top three of the week, can transform your day. 

As mama to a toddler, this has become super-evident. I find myself needing to address my time more than ever, as I float from being in the moment with my son and making myself stay there, sitting on the floor being silly and snuggly, blowing raspberries and playing with trucks, when the thought anyone emailing me or what I need to pick up at the grocery store later, or an enticing picture of crazy-looking Christmas cookies on Instagram, tries to sneak in and pull me into distraction. Or the boy knocks over his dish and steps onto is cereal laughing, my coffee spills and I laugh, too. 

I don't have a lot of time to hem and haw. Every minute counts, or so it seems. 

I found myself with a free second to tell you about this cake, though, because a little moment of satisfaction sat with me when I walked by it under the cake dome.

A yogurt loaf cake is one thing that will feed people, can be made quickly, stay for a few days and then park its extra slices-self in the freezer.