Food Writing

07 August 2018

Tahini Shortbread

The other day, when my 9 month old (what? what? how has it been that long?) was doing one of his I have-no-idea-how-long-this-will-be naps, I thought I'd get ahead in the kitchen.  You know those moments, though, when the second you start doing something, bebe wakes up, and those other moments when, it seems, they just conk for two hours and you have yourself some Time. The trouble is, you never know which of them it will be. So you have to be quick and not get yourself in too deep. Making dough for this shortbread is done in ten minutes. Then it sits in the fridge overnight, and gets baked off the next morning. This shortbread is my new favorite. I don't know why this recipe isn't more popular? NYT by way of Soframiz by Ana Sortun and Maura Kilpatrick. I love, love sesame seeds and tahini, in baked goods, more and more (they are my new favorite banana bread compliment) and the complex simplicity, if you will, in sandy, tender shortbread, is just fab.